Phase Deux

Today is the last day of the Very Fast 800 diet.

My last two weighings were 78.8Kg and 78.9Kg about 1 week apart even though I have been consistently on the diet in that time.  I will do one more weighing tomorrow morning but anyway end the diet at that time.

By those measurings I have lost over 29Kg.  I believe it is within error of my target of "over 30Kg".  Certainly it is well below the maximum "normal" BMI weight for my height of 82Kg.

So, given that, and based on this calorie calculator, I should now move to 1993 kcal/day to maintain weight.

My plan is to work up to this level, following, broadly, Mosley's Mediterranean Diet - so still keeping attention on approximate caloric intake.  I will check my weight weekly.  Possibly, I will go to 800 kcal/day again if my weight seems to be spiking.

In the short term I will allow myself some luxuries - and, for instance: a beer.  I feel that reward is in fact appropriate.

I do not see this as the end of my experience - it is the end of the first phase.  I wish this to be a life change.  I intend to keep my weight normal by the BMI definition hence forward - therefore less than 82Kg.  If, I have never exceeded that over the course of the next two years - that, I will call a significant life success.



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